February 2013 - E-Newsletter Nº 6 - Recent and Forthcoming Activities
In the next semester, DFI will be involved in four new major initiatives: (with Oxfam) a Government Spending Watch report/website/database, analysing how much countries are spending on the Millennium Development Goals; (with New Rules for Global Finance) a Global Financial Governance report analysing the governance and impact on development of the G20, IMF, World Bank and FSB; (with OIF) a Development Financing Policy Network among low-income francophone countries; and (with UNDESA/UNDP) a programme to accelerate national-level Mutual Accountability on development cooperation and results. It will continue to provide capacity-building support to a wide range of countries, as well as conducting research on development cooperation, private financing, LIC development financing policies and MDG spending, and AfDB lending...Read more