5 September, Debt Sustainability Analysis for Sustainable Development
FES and Jubilee USA organised a seminar with IMF and World Bank Executive Directors and senior staff in Washington DC, to discuss the recent set of studies on how to reform Debt Sustainability Analysis. The four studies are by Martin Guzman and Jo Stiglitz (The Practice of Sovereign DSAs), Gail Hurley (How Transparency Makes DSAs a Trusted and Effective Tool), Matthew Martin (How to Ensure DSAs Accelerate Sustainable Development) and Sherilynn Raga (An Appraisal of DSAs Amid Multiple Crises). Twenty-two Executive Board offices were represented. The Board members and staff generally received the studies very positively, and indicated that they will be valuable inputs to the current review of the LIC-DSF and any future review of the SRDSF. The four studies are published here.