January 21, 2025
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Demand Assessment Missions

Capacity building support to countries usually begins with a Demand Assessment Mission. This mission reviews existing monitoring and analysis efforts, establishing a work programme, a budget, and the necessary institutional and legal structures to manage a country project.

These missions assess the need for capacity building support, and make recommendations with respect to:

  • Institutional arrangements, coordination within a National Taskforce, and harmonisation with related national, regional and international initiatives, through meetings with relevant agencies, departments, donors etc

  • Legal mandate to implement surveys, and protect data confidentiality Link underlined text to Left menu – Private Capital Flows / Legal and Institutional / Legal

  • Organisation of the private sector, and its awareness of the exercise for cooperation via liaison with private sector associations, chief executives and finance managers from enterprises in key economic sectors

  • Monitoring, Analysis and Policy Methodology for foreign assets and liabilities, investor perception, and CSR. This includes reinforcing or introducing surveys and other data sources and ensuring their compliance with international codes and standards and the analytical needs of National Taskforce members; reviewing the investor register and sampling practices; and software requirements for storing and analysing data

  • Assessment of training and financing needs, conducting the first country capacity evaluation

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