January 16, 2025
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Long Distance Support

Country support is highly intensive. In between missions, this is provided long-distance to countries at all stages of the project cycle. In addition to this, countries have access to technical resources on legal and institutional issues, and on monitoring analysis and policy, and to information products.

Support may be provided at the following points, the type and intensity of which may vary according to country need:

  • Initiating a new project / before a Demand Assessment Mission: helping a country to finalise a project proposal, liaise with donors for approval, and prepare for a Demand Assessment Mission

  • Between a Demand Assessment Mission and an Awareness and Training Event: comment on institutional arrangements within the National Taskforce, assist with download and adaptation of generic training materials as required, finalisation of data collection methodology, and preparations for the awareness and training event

  • Between an awareness and training event and a Follow Up Mission: assist with preparations for project launch, liaise on software transfer and programming of survey questionnaire, comment on the revised investor register and survey sample, review the Enumerator Manual and any refresher training requirements, comment on non-survey data sources, comment on arrangements for report writing and data management, review progress with fieldwork, advise on preliminary data quality and review database

  • Between a Follow Up Mission and a dissemination event: help tie up loose ends on data quality, comment on draft analysis and policy recommendations, help prepare towards the dissemination event, and discuss next steps



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