January 15, 2025
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National events

The key modalities for developing in-country capacity to conduct all aspects of debt and aid management are:

  • National training events, which provide intensive hand-on training for a team of national officials in the specific tasks and analyses required to design and implement a national debt or aid strategy
  • Institutional missions to work with national officials on how to strengthen the legal and institutional frameworks for conducing all aspects of debt and aid management
  • Follow-up or technical missions to provide technical support in a specific area of debt management, including for example assistance with debt negotiations,
  • Sensitisation or dissemination event to work with national officials to prepare for a seminar or one-day workshop to sensitise senior policymakers, public, CSOs or other key groups to the importance and relevance of government’s debt and/or aid policy
  • Intensive assistance and ad hoc support to provide tailored support to meet country specific capacity needs, which can be a one-off technical support mission or a full programme of support including workshops and missions.

Country reports below provide an overview of DFI’s involvement, through the HIPC Capacity Building Programme to date.


GhanaGhana NigerNiger
BeninBenin GuineaGuinea RwandaRwanda
BoliviaBolivia Guinea_BissauGuinea-Bissau     
Sao_Tome_and_PrincipeSao Tome and Principe
BurkinaBurkina Faso                   
BurundiBurundi HondurasHonduras Sierra_LeoneSierra Leone
CameroonCameroon KenyaKenya TanzaniaTanzania
CARCAR LiberiaLiberia The_GambiaThe Gambia
ChadChad MalawiMalawi TogoTogo
ComorosComoros MaliMali UgandaUganda
Congo_RepCongo Republic MauritaniaMauritania ZambiaZambia
Cote_IvoireCôte d'Ivoire MozambiqueMozambique
EthiopiaEthiopia NicaraguaNicaragua

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