September 8, 2024
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Regional training events

There are two types of events: regional training workshops and inter-regional workshops

Regional training workshops

These workshops, which include regional aim to provide comprehensive training to a team of Government officials in the analysis of debt strategy and financing issues, so as to introduce them to the concepts and analytical tools for conducting debt strategy and new financing analysis. The workshops can focus on one or more of the following technical areas:

  • debt negotiations, with simulations of negotiations with bilateral, multilateral and commercial creditors
  • domestic debt strategy, to introduce the best practices and analytical tools for domestic debt strategy analysis
  • new financing strategy, to introduce the best practices and analytical tools for domestic debt strategy analysis.
  • Use of the new analytical tools such as the BWIs Debt Sustainability Framework and Medium-term Debt Strategy Tool

The outputs of a workshop are national reports which form the basis for future debt and new financing strategy analysis.

Comprehensive training materials have been prepared for these workshops. For further information about this programme, contact DFI or its partner organisations.

Inter-regional workshops

Inter-regional workshops are held annually to facilitate the exchange of information among HIPCs, with inputs from international experts, on best practices in debt management and the latest developments in debt strategy and sustainability analysis.

Presentations from the thirdfourthand fifthHIPC CBP inter-regional workshops are available.


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