Private Capital Flows Technical Briefings
DFI has produced a series of technical briefings to assist countries with more detailed technical issues. Most have been published in the Financing Strategies for Development Newsletter.
Codes and country status
- “Making FPC Data Available”, Strategies for Financing Development # 34 (page 15)
- “BPM6: Developments and Implications”, Strategies for Financing Development #36 (page 13)
- “International Data Codes and Standards”, in Monitoring and Analysing Foreign Investment (Chapter 4)
- How to Estimate Market Values of Equity Capital, Strategies for Financing Development #16 (page 16)
- “How are the Book Values of Equity Capital Calculated in the BOP and IIP?” Strategies for Financing Development #15 (page 16)
- “Non-Survey Reporting Mechanisms for FPC”, Strategies for Financing Development #32 (pages 12-3)
Investor perception and CSR
- “FPC CBP Completes Transfer of Generic Software”, Strategies for Financing Development #37 (page 13)
- “5.4. Recording and Compilation Software”, in Monitoring and Analysing Foreign Investment: How to build sustainable institutions (pages 39-40)
Register, sampling, time series and quarterly estimates
- “Accessing And Using International FAL Data Sources”, Strategies for Financing Development #30 (page 15)
- “International Use of CBP Data”, Strategies for Financing Development #29 (pages 14-15)
- “Creating Reliable Time Series: Lessons from Malawi”, Strategies for Financing Development #27 (page 15)
- “How to Estimate Survey Coverage”, Strategies for Financing Development #23 (page 15)
- “How do Countries Sample FAL Enterprises?”, Strategies for Financing Development #20 (page 15)
- “How do Countries Build Registers and Samples?”, Strategies for Financing Development #19 (pages 15-16)
Analysis and policy
- “Monitoring and Analysing the Financial Crisis”, Strategies for Financing Development #38 (pages 14-15)
- “Analysing Sustainability of Foreign Private Capital”, Strategies for Financing Development #37 (pages 14-15)
- “Designing An FPC Policy Action Plan”, Strategies for Financing Development #35
- “How Should Countries Analyse Corporate Social Responsibility?”, Strategies for Financing Development #28 (pages 14-15)
- “Policy Impacts of the FPC CBP”, Strategies for Financing Development #24 (page 14)
- “Why Survey Investors’ Perceptions?”, Strategies for Financing Development #22 (pages 14-15)
- “FPC Analysis and Action Plans”, in Monitoring and Analysing Foreign Investment: How to build sustainable institutions, Chapter 6