January 15, 2025
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External Debt Relief

When a country is not able to meet its debt obligations, it needs to negotiate debt relief with its creditors. Debt Relief International has a long track record of helping countries to maximize their debt relief in such negotiations. The main types of relief available are:

During the process of achieving debt relief countries may also become subject to litigation by creditors which are unwilling to provide sufficient relief.

Latest work DFI carried out in this area:

5-15 December 2011 – Debt Relief Capacity Building Training Seminar in Sudan

SudanAt the request of the national authorities, a mission from DRI travelled to Sudan in order to assist the Government in its preparations for the HIPC Initiative. The mission had three main objectives: 1) Provide practical training to Government officials on the various aspects of debt relief and Debt Relief Analysis. 2) Assist officials in preparing for a National DRA Workshop in March of 2012 and 3) Assist Government to finalise preparations of the proposal, budget and results matrix for the 3-year Debt Strategy and Analysis Capacity Building Programme. The mission was part of a program being financed by the Government of Switzerland to support debt management in Sudan. 

25 July - 5 August 2011 – Southern Sudan Debt Policy and Capacity Building Mission

Southern_SudanDFI was funded by the Joint Donor Capacity Building Trust Fund for Southern Sudan to help the Government of the newly-independent Republic of Southern Sudan to examine policy options for post-independence development financing – especially borrowing on concessional terms – and the institutional and capacity-building measures required to establish a debt management unit well coordinated with wider economic policymaking. To read more on Southern Sudan’s debt, click here

13-16 April 2011 – Support to Meetings on Sudanese Debt Relief

SECO_2DFI, funded by Seco, supported the Government of Sudan in preparing for Technical Working Group and Round Table meetings at the BWI Spring Meetings, which discussed the potential cancellation of Sudanese debt as part of the secession of Southern Sudan and subject to continuing progress on peace in Darfur. Northern and Southern Sudanese officials announced their agreement that the existing debt of Sudan will remain with the North, subject to strong commitment by the international community to cancel most of the debt at the earliest possible dates. They also announced strong progress on debt reconciliation and an Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy, as well as the design of an outreach strategy to creditors. 

7 April - 30 June 2011 – Technical Assistance in debt management in Guinea


DFI is currently providing technical assistance in debt management to Guinea. A six-month expert attachment is focusing on building capacity and training in debt management mechanisms, on the design of debt management and monitoring tools, as well as providing advisory services to the Department for Debt and Aid Management. 

30 Jan – 3 February 2011 – DFI Assists Sudan Government to Plan Debt Relief and Capacity Building

SudanDFI was funded by the Swiss Ministry for Economic Affairs to conduct this mission to Khartoum to assist the government with technical inputs for planning potential debt relief under the HIPC process, depending on various decisions relating to the treatment of debt in the discussions on secession by Southern Sudan. It also assisted the government to plan a 4-year programme for capacity-building to maximize its debt relief and ensure its debt remains sustainable after relief.


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