September 8, 2024
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Corporate Social Responsibility

CorportateWhat pro-development, non-financial contributions are businesses making to their host countries? Theory tells us that direct investment brings with it long-term development effects via training, technology transfer, wealth creation, etc. However, in the race to attract especially FDI, there is a risk that focusing on promoting these beneficial development impacts may be lost. These gains might not be automatic in any case, as evidenced by the existence of numerous voluntary guidelines for corporate governance and social responsibility.

Country data seeks to reflect whether businesses have programmes or targets in place for promoting development for workers, their families, and the wider community in labour (e.g. training, promotion of nationals versus ex-patriates, encouraging gender balance), education, and health; whether they contribute to the development of infrastructure that benefits the wider community, and whether they seek to minimise the effects of environmental degradation. Other questions ask about the extent to which they meet these goals.

International organisations have established voluntary codes for corporate behaviour, and for disclosure of environmental and social impacts. A large number of networks and NGOs track the CSR-related behaviour of businesses. Research organisations conduct research and provide extensive resources for further investigation.



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