September 8, 2024
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Guide to Donors

Since 2002, the HIPC CBP has been assisting developing countries to evaluate the performance of their donors, according to a set of criteria designed by the countries. From 2006, it developed a set of “donor profiles” allowing aid recipients to analyse donors’ policies and procedures, to see if they match their external financing needs.

This information on donor best practice in other countries has allowed recipients to design aid strategies and discuss more actively with donors how to improve their performance, holding them “mutually accountable”. There are currently 48 profiles of bilateral (DAC and non-DAC) and multilateral donors and global funds.

The features analysed include: aid quantity and pledges; institutions and structures; key policies and legislation; country allocation criteria and performance; concessionality; types of assistance; channels of assistance; sector allocations; flexibility; predictability; conditionality; disbursement methods and procedures; procurement procedures; and participation in coordination and alignment initiatives.

Updating of these profiles has been funded by the UK Department for International Development in 2008-09. Donor funding is currently being finalised to transform the profiles into a “Guide to Donors” which will be annually published, put on an interactive website, and disseminated jointly with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), as well as extended to 30 more bilateral and multilateral donors.

For a brief introduction to the Donor Guide, please click here.

To download a profile of an individual donor, please see below:


 African Development Bank Group Australia       Abu Dhabi Fund for Development
 Asian Development Bank Austria       Chile
 BADEA Belgium    China
 European Community Canada    India
 EFA-FTI  Denmark  Kuwait
 GAVI Finland   Malaysia
 GFATM  France   Saudi Fund  
 IADB   Germany   South Korea
Greece   Taiwan
 IMF  Ireland   Thailand
 Islamic Development Bank  Italy   Turkey
 OPEC Fund
Japan   Venezuela
 United Nations Luxembourg
 World Bank  Netherlands  
New Zealand 

To download all the Multilateral donor profiles as a Zip file, please click here.

To download all the OECD donor profiles as a Zip file, please click here.

To download all the Non-OECD donor profiles as a Zip file, please click here.

To download all the donor profiles as a Zip file, please click here.

To see two earlier summaries of the analysis, please see:

To see publications for which international CSOs have used the analysis, see:


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