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DRI participated in the first meeting of the Jubilee Debt Campaign Academic Advisory Network. Participants exchanged information on their latest studies of debt issues ranging from analysis of the debt crisis and negotiations in Greece, through to latest analysis of debt sustainability in developing countries, the role of PPPs, and the impact of the Argentine vulture funds’ decisions on future debt resolution mechanisms. DRI highlighted its recent work on debt sustainability and its forthcoming work on productive spending and debt.
DFI helped to facilitate a meeting in New York on the role of the IFIs (G20, UN, IMF, World Bank, OECD and FSB) in combating in-country income inequality. The meeting was co-organised by New Rules for Global Finance and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and assembled academics, representatives of the IFIs and independent analysts to examine how their mandates could be interpreted to fight inequality in an SDG context.
The meeting reached strong conclusions on key “transmission mechanisms” through which the institutions should be expected to reduce inequality. It will be a key input into a New Rules report on the IFIs and Inequality to be launched early in 2017.
The latest Regional Economic Outlook for Sub-Saharan Africa published by the IMF reveals that despite a recent extended period of strong economic boost, many sub-Saharan African countries have borne the brunt of multiple economic shocks and are experiencing a sharp fall in growth.
This report points to the decline in commodity prices, tighter financing conditions and a severe drought in southern and eastern Africa for causing the trends currently affecting most sub-Saharan African countries. Growth fell in 2015 to its lowest level in some 15 years and is expected to slow further to 3 percent in 2016, affecting countries to varying degrees according to circumstances, and with the exception of oil importers which register a robust economic activity.
While the IMF projects that the region’s medium-term prospects remain favourable, it urges countries to adopt a policy reset to promote growth and makes recommendations to respond to the current macroeconomic challenges.
DRI participated in the World Bank Debt Management Facility Stakeholder Forum in Lusaka, taking part in the ICG governance meeting of the facility, and making a presentation on Debt Sustainability Status and Prospects in the Forum itself. The presentation, based on recent work for DFID and the AfDB, emphasized that an increasing number of countries have unsustainable debt burdens which are crowding out spending on the SDGs, and another round of global debt relief is on the cards.
DFI participated in a joint IMF/World Bank mission to Niamey aimed at assisting the Interministerial Debt Committee’s technical commission to devise a medium-term debt strategy (MTDS) for 2016-2020. Assistance was also provided in developing an annual borrowing plan in accordance with the national commitment made with the IMF.
The key conclusion was that there is a real capacity to formulate and, above all, to evaluate the implementation of the MTDS, whose results are systematically annexed to Niger’s budget bills. The MTDS was conducted in an inclusive and participatory manner and should soon be approved and validated by the Interministerial Debt Committee which is chaired by Niger’s Prime Minister.
Kinshasa welcomed the last mission of the technical assistance project supporting DRC in reforming its debt management laws and design a national debt strategy. Held on 4-29 April, this mission closed an extensive African Development Bank-funded programme of activities started in September 2015.
Launched with a first mission to evaluate the country’s institutional framework and agree on a work plan, the technical support stretched over 8 missions and over 8 months to produce the following results:
Read more...Tax Inspectors Without Borders, a joint OCDE/UNDP initiative, held a webinar in May 2016. Launched in July 2015 in Addis Ababa, the project aims at transferring tax audit knowledge and skills to tax administrations in developing countries, working on real cases. In keeping with a practical learning approach, experts work with local officials from tax administrations on current audits and on issues concerning international tax audits.
Read more...The Network of Finance Ministers and Experts from Francophone LICs met in Washington, DC in the margins of the Spring Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank. Convened by Senegal, the Network's chair country, the meetings were twofold: finance experts and country focal points met on Thursday 14 April to discuss their priorities in terms of fiscal policies in favour of the mobilisation of domestic resources to finance the SDGs. On the agenda were the presentation of the results of the technical workshop held in Dakar, Senegal, in December 2015 on fiscal policies and preliminary outcomes of the revenue study. DFI also introduced the terms of reference of a new study on public-private partnerships (PPP) to be launched in 2016-2017 which will draw on countries' experiences to determine how PPPs can best fit in in their financing strategies.
Read more...DFI, together with UNCTAD, conducted a technical assistance mission in debt management for the World Bank. Held in the capital Lomé, this capacity-building event aimed at identifying key strengths and weaknesses which characterise the country’s debt structure. The mission found that Togo achieved considerable progress in terms of formulating debt management strategies and in debt sustainability analysis. However, significant weaknesses were identified at the front and back office level, which calls for strong support from the country’s technical and financial partners.
The world’s poorest countries are robbed of billions of dollars in vital revenue due to tax avoidance strategies used by some multinational corporations.
ActionAid’s new "Mistreated" report is based on a dataset of 500 tax treaties signed by low- and lower-middle income countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. This extensive research sheds lights on the tax agreements between LICs and wealthier countries and reveals the use of tax treaty networks to limit tax payments in LICs, therefore reducing the amount of crucial revenue as a vital source of public finance.
The report urges for the urgent review of these treaties, more transparency in the negotiation and ratification process as well as better impact assessment on revenue collection and development.
The final activities in the Seco-funded support to Sudanese debt policy and strategy concluded during February.
They began with a high-level seminar, at which the Ethiopian Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister shared Ethiopia’s experiences of HIPC and MDRI debt relief, and Sudanese policymakers discussed the draft national debt policy.This was followed by a training event on Debt Pro©, the software used by the IMF to assess debt relief needs and impact.
Finally, two senior Sudanese officials conducted a study tour to Addis Ababa to examine Ethiopian experiences in more detail. The project has been assessed by the Government of Sudan as having achieved its capacity-building aims, and the national debt policy is expected to be approved shortly.